by Penny Choong | Jan 18, 2023 | Lifestyle, Wellness
Eat Your Chocolates Before Flour Moths Indulge In Them Quick, hide your chocolates!!! Or indulge in them while they are fresh before pantry moths get to them. Pantry moths or flour moths, especially the Espestia kuehniella species, love chocolates. They feed on grain...
by Penny Choong | Mar 4, 2022 | Lifestyle, Wellness
Inner Strength, Inner Fortress Even as I write this, my heart goes out to the good people in Russia and Ukraine. Let us continue to hope and pray that this senseless conflict comes to an end quickly with minimal loss of lives. With Women’s Day just around the corner,...
by Penny Choong | Dec 28, 2021 | Lifestyle, Wellness
Christmas Gifts Ideas From Penny Essentials It’s the most wonderful time of the year. And no, I’m not talking about Christmas sales. The best thing about the season is that everybody makes time for each other. Family and friends. In-laws and outlaws. Neighbours and...
by Penny Choong | Sep 1, 2021 | Lifestyle, Wellness
The Free Ingredient To Up Your Wellness You know, wellness isn’t just about being physically fit, but also emotionally and spiritually well. To achieve holistic wellness, we have to get adequate rest, manage our stress, eat well and be free of illness. One of the FREE...
by Penny Choong | Aug 2, 2021 | Lifestyle, Wellness
5 Things I’m Doing Differently This MCO You’ve seen one MCO, you’ve seen them all right? Well, not quite for me. While I had been getting used to Zoom calls long before the lockdown, there was some recalibration needed because we couldn’t actually go out and meet...